出发前的准备签证:http://bbs.qyer.com/thread-1080125-1.html机票:4月初东航官网购买,上海伦敦直飞,一人1万+,刷了一个月没有合适的价格,怕涨价只有买了,应该对大家没有参考价值.....酒店:Novotel London Paddington 9晚 1551磅 不含早 。 因为定的可以免费取消的,略贵,如果是订不能取消的话,9晚便宜2k rmb 火车票:本来想在 http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ 买,但是网站和app都打不开,可能因为我没翻墙。后来我所有提前预定的车票都是在thetrainline 的手机app(http://www.thetrainline.com/buytickets/)
然thetrainline每张票会有订票和信用卡手续费,但是因为在众多可以定英国火车票的网站里,从国内上thetrainline速度最快。还有,如果两人同行,买票的时候记得选择 two together railcard 这里有介绍:http://www.twotogether-railcard.co.uk/车票价格: 价格不是最便宜的,只提前了一个月,没什么可以选择的advance票了。 Journey 1: LONDON MARYLEBONE to BICESTER NORTHTravel on Saturday 18 July 2015DepartsArrivesByReservations08:00 - London Marylebone 08:51 - Bicester North Train (CHILTERN RAILWAYS) Reserved - no seat allocated. *The passenger is free to sit in any vacant unreserved seat for the class of travel specified on the ticket Cost breakdown * Booking fee(s): £ 0.25 * Payment card fee(s): £ 0.16 Total amount: £ 8.31 Journey 2: OXFORD to LONDON PADDINGTONTravel on Saturday 18 July 2015DepartsArrivesByReservations20:01 - Oxford 20:59 - London Paddington Train (FIRST GREAT WESTERN) Reserved - no seat allocated. *The passenger is free to sit in any vacant unreserved seat for the class of travel specified on the ticket Cost breakdown * Booking fee(s): £ 0.25 * Payment card fee(s): £ 0.19 Total amount: £ 9.64Journey : LONDON KINGS CROSS to CAMBRIDGE STATIONTravel on Sunday 19 July 2015DepartsArrivesByReservations07:53 - London Kings Cross 08:58 - Cambridge Station Train (GREAT NORTHERN) Reservation not possible. Ticket detailsPassengers: 2 Adult(s)Ticket Type: SUPER OFF-PEAK DAY RETURNRoute: This ticket allows travel on any permitted route.Cost breakdown * Booking fee(s): £ 0.25 * Payment card fee(s): £ 0.44 Total amount: £ 22.49 Cambridge ------- London kings cross super off peak return14:28-15:30 14:55-16:19 15 :20 -16:08 15:28-16:30 16:20-17:08Journey 1: LONDON PADDINGTON to BATH SPATravel on Thursday 23 July 2015DepartsArrivesByReservations10:00 - London Paddington 11:56 - Bath Spa Train (FIRST GREAT WESTERN) Coach: B Seat: 25Coach: B Seat: 29 Ticket detailsPassengers: 2 Adult(s)Ticket Type: SUPER OFF-PEAK RETURNsuper off peak return Bath Spa------London Paddington16:43-18:44 17:43-19:39 18:43-20:46 19:43-21:44Cost breakdown * Booking fee(s): £ 1.00 * Payment card fee(s): £ 1.50 Total amount: £ 76.40 Heathrow Express:Heathrow Express的票可以在官网(https://www.heathrowexpress.com)预订,用DUO12的优惠code,两个人同行50磅往返,回程只要在一个月之内就可以。定好之后打印带二维码的确认邮件,或者下载Heathrow Express的手机app,登陆后在My ticket里面找到二维码,检票的时候直接扫二维码。也可以在机场用 two together railcard 购买好像更便宜。门票:要去伦敦眼和圣保罗教堂的同学可以在这个网站打印一下优惠券http://www.daysoutguide.co.uk/2for1-london2for 1优惠的规则:有当天到达伦敦的火车票和优惠券同时出示才能享受优惠。还有一种是有到达伦敦的火车票和离开伦敦的火车票,在这两个日期的区间里面也可以享受优惠What days will my train tickets be valid to claim the offers?Single tickets
- These are valid only on the day of validity. A days Travelcard must
be purchased from a train station and feature the National Rail Logo.Return Train Tickets
- You will be able to use your return train tickets with the vouchers
at any time between the outward and return journey - if you came on
Thursday and returned on Sunday, you could use the vouchers on Thursday,
Friday, Saturday& Sunday. In order to do this please ensure that
you retain the outward portion of your ticket as you will need to show
both tickets at the attraction - just ask the staff at the ticket
barrier to let you through which they will be happy to do白金汉宫:今年白金汉宫开放时间是July 25,已经请伦敦的朋友帮忙预定了 July 25 9:30 参观,每15分钟一批。 订票网站:http://www.royalcollection.org.uk/如果网站买不了,淘宝也可以买,但是我需要7.25的淘宝没有这个日期,淘宝只有7.27以后的日期。 London pass:www.londonpass.com london pass 官网 15%折扣那天没付成功,一怒之下在淘宝买了,还便宜一些呢。不要问我店铺,自行搜个销量高的吧有用的网站:Thames River Cruise 坐船时间表可戳网址: www.citycruises.com大英博物馆平面图:http://lvyou168.cn/travel/uk/Britishmuseum/floor_plans_and_access.html 大英博物馆精华三小时的网址:http://www.britishmuseum.org/visiting/planning_your_visit/object_trails/3_hours.aspx国家美术馆官网:http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/ 美术馆的平面图:http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/visiting/floorplans/level-2/ 国家美术馆必看30幅名画:http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/explore-the-paintings/30-highlight-paintings/