民族志博物馆(Ethnographic Museum),69 slavianska,工作时间:星期一至星期五10:00-19:00;星期六10:00-18:00。包括各种民族展览。Ethnographic Museum, 69 Slavianska Str., working time: mon-fri 10:00-19:00; sat 10:00-18:00, includes various ethno exhibitions in its program, offers summer school of Arts, Crafts and DancesArchaeological Museum
由于布尔加斯市是一个贸易中心,所以一直对新的宗教和外国人开放。圣基里尔和美多迪教堂,或圣西里尔和圣迪乌斯大教堂(Saints Cyril and Methodius Cathedral)位于市中心。Due to the fact that the city is a trade center, it has always been open to new religions and foreigners. The St Kiril and Metodii church is located in the city center.