从波尔多圣让火车站 (Gare Saint Jean)坐车前往(约40分钟),从火车站出来后步行约20分钟到达镇中心。从市区过来,可以选择做火车,巴士,或者是跟一日团。但我不建议坐火车,因为我没有发现火车站,所以估计下了火车之后还得找车过去。坐巴士能直接到,但是坐巴士的班次很少,一定要提前看好。而且不是每一班车都到这个地方,有短线的。所以看清楚了
就是圣凯瑟琳大街(Rue Sainte-Catherine)。
The rue Sainte-Catherine, a 1.2 km long pedestrian street, is the main shopping street in Bordeaux. 圣凯瑟琳大街是波尔多主要的购物街,大街的两旁尽是商店、咖啡馆和酒吧。
This street is one of two main lines running through the historic part of the city. It cuts the center following a North-South axis linking the place de la Comédie where the Grand Theatre stands to the Place de la Victoire. The rue Sainte-Catherine and neighborhoods located to the West are very commercial areas. It became a pedestrian street for most of its length between 1976 and 1977 and then in full in 1984. It is often billed as the longest pedestrian street in Europe. It was completely refurbished between 2000 and 2003 in a project by Jean-Michel Wilmotte.