行程时间计划计划时间: 2018年10月26日—11月04日10月26日 周五 Day1Benicia—— Lake Tahoe (4小时)10月27日 周六 Lake Tahoe —— Zion National Park(9小时)10月28日 周天 Zion NP:Angels Landing (4小时) + Canyon Overlook Trail+Spring Dale(购物+租装备)10月29日 周一 Zion NP:The Narrows Top-Down (1)(由上至下,露营)10月30日 周二 Zion NP: The Narrows Top-Down (2)—— Bryce Canyon National Park(2小时)10月31日 周三 Bryce Canyon NP(Fairland Loop+Navajo Loop)11月01日 周四 v— Page:Horseshoe Bend + Antelope Canyon11月02日 周五 Page —— Texas (10小时)11月03日 周六 Texas Weeding (5:30-10:30)11月04日 周天 Texas —— Alabama(10小时)前期准备:1、自备装备。2、预定徒步许可证及露营点。3、食物。4、租用设备。Zion National ParkZion 基本信息1、官网及其他资料来源(1)官网:https://www.nps.gov/zion/index.htm(2)徒步详细信息:Joe's Guide to Zion National Park(3)涉水装备租用:Zion Adventure Company2、天气及河水监控(1)实时一周天气预报 National Weather Service(2)河水监控 North Fork Virgin River (flow rate)(3)洪水可能性 lash Flood Potential https://www.weather.gov/slc/flashflood3、旅客中心运营时间4、巴士运营时间5、地图及巴士停站整体地图,包括 Zion Canyon 和 Kolob Canyons。Zion Canyon 包括了大部分值得本次前往的路线: The Narrows、Angels Landing、Canyon Overlook Trail。园内巴士行径路线:(1)黄线是公园外的免费巴士路线,来回往返于公园入口和Springdale。(2)绿线是公园内的免费巴士线路,停靠于每个绿色的站,公园内私家车不能开过停靠站3,可于停靠站3右转,进入Zion-Mt. Carmel Hwy穿过East Side Tunnel,前往Canyon Overlook Trail。6、门票(1)私家车/个人:$35/20;有效期:购票日起7天。15岁内免费。(2)Military Annual Pass: The Annual Pass for Military was
implemented on May 19, 2012. This is a free pass for active duty
military personnel (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) and
their dependents. In order to qualify for the Annual Pass for Military,
the military member must present a valid Department of Defense (CAC
Card). Dependents must present a Department of Defense ID (DD Form 1173)
that identifies the dependent and his/her sponsor.7、停车车可以停在公园里,也可以停在Springdale镇后坐免费巴士进入。8、公园内露营Zion NP 有三个营地。预定 Call 877-444-6777 or visit www.recreation.gov(1)South Campground 和 Watchman Campground 在 Zion Canyon。1)露营均需在许可的位置,South Campground可提前2周开放预定,有117 个露营点,营地无电供应,费用为20刀/晚,有少部分露营点可以先到先得,基本上午就会满员。(South Campground Map)(South Campground Regulations)2)Watchman Campground可提前半年预定,两周前查看都没有位置了,一部分WC的营地配有电,配电的营地$30.00 每晚 (Loops A and B)。无配电的营地 $20.00 每晚 (Loops C, D, and F).(2)The Lava Point Campground 从 Zion Canyon 的Kolob Terrace Road 开车一小时. Kolob Canyons 没有营地。9、申请徒步许可证(1)公园的上列徒步路线均需要提前申请许可证,例如The Narrows的从上往下的徒步路线虚许可证,如果是从下往上的徒步路线则不需要许可证。(2)费用:$15.00 - 1-2 人;$20.00 - 3-7 人。(3)申请网址:Make a Backpacking Reservation(4)领取许可证的时间:Zion Canyon行程安排:10月28日 周天 Zion NP:Angels Landing (4小时) + Spring Dale(购物+租装备7:00 出发8:00-12:00 Hiking Angels Landing(4个小时)12:00-1:00 旅客中心拿permit1:00-2:00 South Campground 安营扎寨
Spring Dale,在Zion Adventures Company 租用装备, 预定去巴士到 Chamberlian's Ranch。1、Canyon Overlook Trail巴士站:没有巴士前往,需自驾徒步起点: Located near the east entrance of the Zion-Mount Carmel Tunnel.距离 (往返): 1.0 mi / 1.6 km海拔变化: 163 ft / 50 m耗伤: 1 hour具体情况Long
drop-offs, mostly fenced. Rocky and uneven trail ends at a viewpoint
for Pine Creek Canyon and lower Zion Canyon.To enter or exit the
parking area just east of the tunnel, you must turn right. Parking is
extremely limited, be prepared to try mulitple times.Pit toilets are
available in the parking area.2、Angels Landing via West Rim Trail评级:有难度,上下起伏,建议穿登山鞋保护脚踝。起点:#6 The Grotto时间:3-6 hours距离(往返):5.4mi/8.7km海拔变化:1488ft/ 453m季节:春秋最好,夏季气温高,冬季视情况而定。具体况:起点是在 Grotto Trailhead, 即主线巴士的第六站。穿过 hiker's bridge 和 Virgin River 向北走,然后到达峡谷的西边。实际上是属于West Rim Trail ,然后是陡坡直到 Refrigerator Canyon ,然后会经过 Scout's Lookout —可以俯瞰主峡谷,也是从此开始正式属于Angels Landing。在最后的一段路程中,会有狭窄的一段狭窄的攀升路线,几乎有500ft的海拔上升。终点可以360度环看峡谷。原来返回,回程的徒步难度更低。如果回程还有体力,在Scout's Lookout, 你可以继续徒步the West Rim Trail 然后再返回the Grotto。3、旅客中心取许可证即使在网上预订,也需前往领取许可证:Narrows Top-Down、以及South Campground。4、South Campground check in(1)预定网站:www.recreation.gov(2)营地配置:无:洗手间、无电供应 ;有:垃圾箱、饮用水[1] 没有洗手间,需要的时候可以去Watchman Campground,距离0.3mi。[2] 没有插电的设备,可以自备发电机。(3)露营点地图
5、租用装备,预定巴士在Zion Adventures Company 租用装备, 预定巴士到 Chamberlian's Ranch。(1)电话: 435.772.1001;地址:36 Lion Blvd. Springdale, UT 84767(2)租用涉水装备:可选租用速干裤或速干衣,加上防水的袜子、高透水性的徒步鞋以及登山棒。提前打电话预定,并且仔细试穿,选用最合适的尺码。(3)预定巴士到 Chamberlian's Ranch 1)The Narrows 从上到下的徒步需要许可证,并且只能留宿1天。出发的地点是 Chamberlian's Ranch,最佳方式预定私人的巴士前往,因为即使可以自驾前往,也需要再返回取车,因为线路的终点在Grotto(6号站)。2)巴士发车时间为 6:15-9:30am不等,提前15分钟到发车地点(Zion Adverture Company,36 Lion Blvd.)。3)票价为37刀每人,包括5刀预定费。4)需备有Narrow的徒步许可证。6、The Narrows(Top-Down)行程安排:10月29日 周一 Zion NP:The Narrows Top-Down (由上至下,13小时,露营)10月30日 周二 Zion NP: The Narrows Top-DownNarrows: Top-Down OvernightA backpacking trip allows you more time to enjoy the Narrows at a leisurely pace, and spending the night under the canyon walls is magical. There are 12 numbered campsites over the course of a two mile stretch of canyon.
Difficulty: Moderate
DurationMileage: 16 miles; 2 days.Trailhead: Chamberlain's Ranch.Special Notes:
A Zion National Park Wilderness permit is required;
12 sites are available and only 2 can accommodate groups of more than 6 people.
Reservations are recommended.If the Virgin River is flowing at 120 CFS (cubic feet per second) or more, no permits will be issued.The trailhead is a 1.5 hour drive from Springdale.
Reserve your Zion Adventure Company Shuttle to save yourself the trouble of driving back to the trailhead. Wouldn't you rather take a shower and enjoy a nice meal at a restaurant in town?
图片来源Zion Adventure Companyhttps://www.zionadventures.com/plan-your-narrows-hike.html
建议打印,徒步的时候可参考时间和进程。Bryce Canyon National Park行程计划10月31日 周三 Zion NP— Bryce Canyon National Park(2小时)11月01日 周四 Bryce Canyon NP— Page:Horseshoe Bend + Antelope CanyonTexas Weeding5:30 pm-6:00 pm Wedding Ceremony6:00 pm-7:00 pm Wedding Cocktail hour7:00 pm-10:30 pm Wedding ReceptionDress Code: Semi-Formal