機場有 24小時手機出租(含預付卡),你去看看有沒有單賣Sim卡:https://www.lima-airport.com/eng/for-passengers... 展开更多
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機場有 24小時手機出租(含預付卡),你去看看有沒有單賣Sim卡:https://www.lima-airport.com/eng/for-passengers... 展开更多
機場有 24小時手機出租(含預付卡),你去看看有沒有單賣Sim卡:https://www.lima-airport.com/eng/for-passengers/shopping-food-and-services/cell-phone-rental
I find the answer. there are many Internet booth. so i will leave my laptop home.
I find the answer. there are many Internet booth. so i will leave my laptop home.
here is a tip of how to type @
If it doesn’t, try
Control+Alt+@ or hold down Alt and type 64.