饭的好地方。吉莉安(见我就说我们会记住你的名字)很活泼,乐于助人。她让我们从一开始就觉得很舒服,解释菜单,甚至发现我们是否有食物过敏。我们开胃菜是自制的春卷,饺子和鸡肉干,很美味。紧跟着的是胡椒牛排,牡蛎酱汁和蔬菜海鲜以及惊人的特色炒饭。对两个人来说太多了,但装满了外卖盒尽管这家餐厅不外卖。对我们真正的惊喜是Mad Fish Chardonnay,我们的最爱之一。如果你没有机会品尝泡泡茶,那就晚点或第二天点外卖吧。太惊人了。爆裂的气泡也是味道的爆炸。下次我们会回来。
we dinned here was $20 all you can eat buffet night, which is a Saturday. The food was terrific, the selection was vast and the service was friendly. Its always hard to find great Chinese food, this place is fantastic and they even have yummy deserts on the buffet as well. Will definitely go back.